The Mass Participation Pulse 2025

Established in the wake of lower than anticipated levels of event entries post-pandemic, The Mass Participation Pulse provides actionable insight to support event organisers, brands and anyone else with an interest in seeing more people, taking part in more mass participation events, more often. We’ve created the largest and most in depth survey for the […]
The Massive Top 25

Since 2013, we’ve compiled a list of the most successful charity-owned mass participation events. Which charities have made this year’s Top 25? And what insights will help shape your event portfolio for 2024? What 2023 Taught Us About Mass Participation Events The UK’s top mass participation fundraising events saw a significant bounce back last year. […]
What can we learn from ten years of mass participation events?

For the past ten years, we’ve been monitoring charity mass participation across the UK in our annual Top 25 report. It’s been an exciting decade of growth – but not without its challenges. Life’s changing – new technology, financial pressures from the cost-of-living crisis, global pandemics. These have undoubtedly impacted mass participation fundraising and have […]

Gareth Mulcahy, Head of Product (Events, Sports & Giving Platforms) at Cancer Research UK Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life is an iconic event in the mass participation sector. It has held the number one spot in our Top 25 report for nine years out of ten years. This simple, effective, brand-aligned proposition has stood […]

Macmillan have consistently been one of the most successful organisations we have seen when it comes to launching new campaigns. They’ve raised an impressive £362M from mass participation events over the last ten years. And their progressive approach to mass participation innovation has secured them the greatest number of appearances in the Top 25. We […]
sports fundraising market snapshot 2019

We have been looking at the market for mass participation sports events and the fundraising performance of the biggest sports events in it for over 5 years. In that time we have worked with a cohort of some of the UK’s most ambitious and fundraising charities and our data partner “” to develop what we […]
What influences fundraising at sports events?

Claire in the team looks at…why some charity’s fundraisers raise more than others at sports events? Last year we undertook research into fundraising at the UK’s biggest and most successful mass participation sports events. Our Report, The Sports Fundraising Snapshot, drew on data from over 20 million individual event participants to highlight that the events market […]
How to deliver a successful mass participation fundraising event

To celebrate five years of the massive top 25 we wanted to share our insight as the sector leaders in mass participation, to highlight key lessons on how to deliver a successful mass participation fundraising event. Since the massive Top 25 began in 2013, 28.7 million people have participated in the events, raising nearly £700m. […]
what trends will shape the future of events and charities?

The future of events, the future of charity and trends affecting both are something we think about a lot. So when we were asked to collaborate on a report to review the effect trends in consumer behaviour, charity giving and technology could have on charities and what that may mean for those looking to engage […]
Records broken as massive help deliver Brighton and London Marathons
Working with Grounded Events and The London Marathon Company massive delivered the start areas at both the Brighton and London Marathon. A combined total of over 59,000 runners took part across the two events where massive worked with both marathons for a 5th successive year. Now in its 8th Year, the Brighton Marathon has become […]